Saturday, February 28, 2015


When you wake up in the morning,what thought do you have ? What is the purpose of you day? Why you are getting up and getting out of the bed when you really want more rest? Why is it important for you to wake up every day?

Is it because its a part of you chores? Or because your wife wants you to make breakfast for kids ? Or your Boss wants you to reach a bit early in the morning and wrap up some work ? Or your girlfriend wants you to wake her up over the phone and then pick her up on your way to office?

Well it doesn't matter if you are waking up for any of the above or similar reasons, because as far as I know, these are not YOUR reason to survive that day. You are waking up for some one else's desire, not yours. It will not fulfill the purpose of your existence for that day. That is the reason why most of the people say that time went so fast, this year, this month, this week, all of it went so fast. That is because there is nothing to remember or significantly very less to remember about what you have done in the near past.

Remember when we were in college,we almost remember most of the days. There is a reason, because most of our college days were memorable. But when we get into the race of Jobs and Businesses, we wont have such moments every day, because everyone is busy in their own lives. Yeah obviously we have our and our friend's birthdays in our memories for long time or any of the occasion which was very very close to your heart. But the point is each and every day of our lives are valuable, but we are not doing anything to assign some value to our days. Same old watching television and doing social networking or even socializing with friends just for name sake will not assign much value to our days. So how van we make our each day valuable?

The answer to this question made a lot of people happier in their lives and is the first step towards Leadership. WE HAVE TO FIND "THE ONE" SOLID PURPOSE EACH AND EVERY DAY. That is how by fulfilling that particular purpose of day we can put value to our day. Please do not get intimidated by the Capital Letters. Because solid purpose could be anything, from making your bed in the morning to a nobel prize winning discovery. All depends on you. Finding the one solid purpose is very easy, just list down what you really want to achieve in your life and list down what you have to do to get there but keep everything as simple as you like. Also one may take as much time as they want but keep in ming your ultimate goal is to find "The One".

Once you find out, then starts the test of your persistence and dedication. How dedicated are you to get out of bed and achieve the daily purpose of that day which will assign some value to your particular day. Trust me it feels very very very rewarding when you do what you have in mind for that day and then you can possibly look forward to do more of the things without any tension. 

Now here is the challenge (which I also am going through), daily do something valuable for 90 days, and compare your 90th day with today, I'm sure you will be mesmerized by the results which you will be having right in front of your eyes.

So lets not waste any more of time and start our first step into a very practical leadership in our own lives and start finding "the one" of our lives and get on to it as fast as we can.


Monday, February 23, 2015

Practical Leadership

Everyone wants to be a leader in their personal and professional life, but being a leader is not only a responsibility but also requires a willing to learn as you grow.  Some have a perception that leadership is a quality which a person is born with but I think otherwise, after all there is a reason why i've quoted "willingness to learn as you grow". Obviously we all will find some negative and some positive points for each of the person we like and want to become, but that's the truth about our society now. Even if you search for "Hate India" right now, you will find 9,05,00,000 results (in 0.35 seconds), so Internet is full of GOOD and BAD things and we often chose what we have to accept.  So some might appreciate what I am writing and some might not, but the bottom line is "try to chose the positive one". So coming back to leadership, I believe it is a quality which is totally learn-able, all depends on your personal teach-ability, and over the time our fathers and forefather have been tremendously successful in doing so.

Actually we might have seen many great leaders in this world but could have failed to realize. If you just crack down the qualities of leadership, you could find very common but astonishingly implemented daily routines of very simple attributes such as Honesty, Adaptability, Flexibility, Self-Awareness, Self-Confidence, Self-Motivation, Tolerance to Ambiguity, Sense of Humor, Proper Communication, Positive Attitude, Commitment, Intuition and at last Ability to Inspire.

Whoa! that seems a lot of things to carry a baggage of leadership around. But here is the fun part, you might have 4-8 of these qualities but you din't even realized it yet. I've just jotted each and every possibilities that I could think of right now.

But one of the major game changer for our generation is to get a mentor, basically someone who you aspire to become, maybe you father, your brother, college senior, manager or colleague, whomsoever you might find the inspiration from.

I will try to post some insights of mine on each attribute in my future posts and i will also talk about the achiever who has inspired me big time throughout his career which forced me to write about leadership today.

Till the time try to think which attribute do you find already inside yourself.

A little to think about....
